Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles.

1:What is unusual about the reptiles at Nyanyana crocodile farm.

They have softer skin, they sleep a lot, they are not as vicious and they are 100% vegetarian because they eat pellets that have no meat.

2:How did they turn this way 
Zimbabwe went through a food crisis and meet became to expensive for them to buy so they feed them pellets made of meet and veggies then they gradually started putting less meet in the pellets until there was no meet in them.

3:What are crocodiles bred for.

They are bread for their skin.
They sell their skin to Hermes and Gucci for about 500$.

I am against this because they are awesome animals and they don't even eat the meat.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Cody. I know you wrote this in your own words. Some people would say cows and chickens are awesome animals. Does that mean we shouldn't kill them either?
