Thursday 4 December 2014

I think it would be annoying if it had what you were thinking because what if you saw someone you hated or someone relay hot 

It should have your name on it so if you forgot someones name than you could just look 

I wouldn't like having it because it would mean that people could look you up in the phone book

It would make me get beaten up a lot because I think a lot of bad stuff about people.
If it was real it would have age where we are from  gender relationship

Sunday 30 November 2014

Glass of invisible water.
Barbie gone wrong
Murder house.

Sunday 23 November 2014

What i think they did well was made it funny but got the point across.

What i think they should do next time is make the joints more realistic.

I think they would made it longer and more of a story.

Sunday 9 November 2014

I see the I hear the breeze as it tosses me against my friends. I see the clouds  above me surrounding the sky i feel a giant ball hit me and break most of my bones geese that hurt i think to my self just after hours of being in pain the kids started leaving just when i thought they had all gone i am lucky to be alive i say to my self but then i look over and realise that cody had for got his hat and he was coming to get before i had time to scream he steps on me and i die.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Addiction is when someone needs a drug to feel normal.

Farster Absorbtion Rates



Change the subject

Wwalk away
Tellsomeone/ toughfen up

Tuesday 21 October 2014

If you use meth it will stuff your life up

it will rot your teeth, change your body tempter, make you lose wight, your hair will fall out, it will make you feel,see and hear things that aren't there,increase heart rate and blood pressure, slows blood flow,makes you twitch and it can even make you think that theres bugs under the skin.

  William Bell was a maniac he first applied for a job a service station in Mangere and didn't get in so he stole a police baton and went when it closed and bet one of the employment till the employer was nearly dead. Then he went to jail for 3 and a half years. When he got out he got a probation officer and he found a job at the RSA in Panmure but it only lasted 2 weeks before he got fired. 2 months later he came back and killed three people with a gun the manager a member and a employe and got 33 years with no parole.  there was also a murder that a guy cut off someones hand with a sword.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

S4. Care for younger children: Organise a series of games or activities for

younger siblings or neighbours or teach them a dance or an instrument

I taught my 8 year old neighbour how to play smoke on the water on guitar.
S1. Improve your leadership skills: Act as a class leader or school counsellor all


This year i am deputy class leader.
G4. Give of your time: Visit an elderly person at least eight times over two


I visit my grandma once a week after school
E6. Join the production, choir, a band or Kapa Haka participating in all

rehearsals and performances for the year

I have been in the boys choir this year and preformed in assembaly.
E5. Improve your confidence and skill: Prepare and present a speech on a

topic of your choice at a Rimu Hui

I did a monolog for the house finals and got into the school finals and came second

E1. Learn an instrument during the year

This year i have been learning guitar here is a picture of me playing.

Homework challenge G7
Adopt a pet from the SPCA

We are going to adopt a dog called Dakota from SPCA Tauranga.
They have put her on hold for us because they need to check our property to see if we have it fully fenced off.


Sunday 7 September 2014


1: The bacteria that love to feed off the remnants of sugar that remain on the surface of the teeth,

2:The bacteria that is naturally found in cultured milk product, Kefir, is known for its ability to bind with streptococci mutans and therefore could potentially help draw the bacteria away from the teeth. What was encouraging was that the idea had been successfully tested on rats.

3: they testes it on rats and yes it was successful

Sunday 31 August 2014

1: The only one other giant panda born at the National Zoo, Bao Bao's brother Tai Shan,

2: the party commenced with the young panda being offered a choice of three honey-dipped bamboo shoots

3: The zoo's nutrition department had also made
adelectable tiered cake that was crafted from frozen diluted apple juice and dyed various shades of pink, with beet juice. Frozen in between, were slices of Bao Bao's favorite fruits - apples and pears. Flower appliques carved from carrots and sweet potatoes adorned the top and a large number '1', carved from frozen apple juice, completed the perfect treat.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous decibels

Today we went to dangerous decibels and learnt all about how our ears work and how to keep them safe.
I learnt what hearing loss is and how i can avoid it.
this is a chart we get to take home

1:It is underground

2:a 100ft deep and 60ft wide former slate mine, it provides visitors with a bouncing experience like none other.

3:Velocity, stands 500 feet above the ground is not just Northern Hemisphere's longest zipline, but also, its fastest, allowing daredevils to fly across at speeds exceeding 100mph.

Titan is no slouch either. Besides being the largest of its kind in Europe, it is also the first in the world to feature four lines, side-by-side. This means that families and friends can experience the thrill of flying across at 70mph, simultaneously.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

For one of my homework challenges i picked a box of oranges from my orange tree and gave it to my grandma to sell at the opportunity shop.

Thursday 24 July 2014

1: A copy
2: juvenile Kodomoroid 
3: Because they have to look like someone or something 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

1:The contest, organized by Direct Blinds an online supplier of custom window coverings, asked owners to upload photos of their pets caught performing their naughtiest deeds, on the company's Facebook page.

2:£500 Pounds Sterling and some free custom blinds.

3:lick the tops of the cold milk bottles and a dog ate the newspaper.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

1: 69 hod dogs and buns

2: Seven years

3: Champion Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas .

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term 2

1: I made it in to the rock climbing team and went to Taupo for the PB,BOP champs.
2: I made it into boys choir
3: I got to write a something in the school newsletter.
4: Ive only got  like 10 more clicks until i get my stars band.

1: I had to spend 3 days in the withdrawal space.
2: I got in trouble and had to go and see Mr Diver.

1: I think hard tech is interesting.
2: I think that electronics tech is interesting.
3: I think Wild boys trip is interesting.
4: I think Dave's speech about attitude was interesting .

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caveman poo

1:How many years old do the researches think the poo is? (50,000)

2:Were did they find the poo? (Southern Spain)

3:What did the poo have in it? (Traces of meat)

4:What plants did the cavemen eat? (Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts )

5:What is the persons name from the university of la languna spain? ( Anaira Sistiaga)

6:What did the neanderthal use as tools that were quite useful? (Neanderthal teeth)

Sunday 29 June 2014

Ugly dogs.
1:The event has now been
2:two-year-old shelter dog was badly burnt in a fire which caused him to lose his lips, most of his body hair and eyelids. 
3:Because it raises awareness for their adoption by showing the world that physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming loving pets.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

1:What is so special about Migaloo

Migaloo is special because he has rear white skin and he is the first documented humpback to have this.

 2:He has been given a aboriginal name.
He got given a status of a special interest whale.
He is all over twitter, and facebook and even has his own blog.
He has loots of friends

because he has a lack of colour in his skin

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Cornflake art.

1:What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits.
Rosado uses cornflakes to make her master pieces.

2:why does it take  so long to create each masterpiece?
It takes her so long because she sketches if first
Then she crushes the cornflakes to the right size.
After that she carefully places it on the outline.

3: Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013.

Michael Jackson, Bob Marley,  Alicia Keys, John Lennon.


Tuesday 17 June 2014

The tallest lego tower.

1: The tallest lego tower stands in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest

the elementary students in Budapest requested a team of official Lego builders from Denmark to help them build the tower.

2:The support wires used while being built have to be removed.
The tower had to be built using no adhesives.

3:Because this a popular to be broken, it was broken three times in 2012.

Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles.

1:What is unusual about the reptiles at Nyanyana crocodile farm.

They have softer skin, they sleep a lot, they are not as vicious and they are 100% vegetarian because they eat pellets that have no meat.

2:How did they turn this way 
Zimbabwe went through a food crisis and meet became to expensive for them to buy so they feed them pellets made of meet and veggies then they gradually started putting less meet in the pellets until there was no meet in them.

3:What are crocodiles bred for.

They are bread for their skin.
They sell their skin to Hermes and Gucci for about 500$.

I am against this because they are awesome animals and they don't even eat the meat.


Sunday 15 June 2014

  1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?
  2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?
  3. How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people

1. Malavath climbed to the top ,the author thought is that was admirable is because it might encourage more pepole.

2.when she got to advanced base camp she got stuck and had to go to base camp.
3. it took 52 days to concur mt Everest 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Willie Apiata

Is famous for being the first New zealander receive the victoria cross

sir Jerry mateparae
is famous for earning the title of sir for being the 20th New Zealands and niue's 9th governor general

Thursday 20 March 2014

Crack! Mr Mossop slammed the 2 wooden pieces together.
I was about to dive into the shimmering water. I felt a thud on my back,
I started falling into the pool and then splat! I land flat on my stomach and the smooth water slapped it’s stinging handprint on my gut.

I was having a bad time with the races because I was losing them all. But that does not because I ended up winning the most important race

The underwater race. The underwater race is when you have to get as far as you can in one breath and whoever gets the farthest in one breath wins.

Thursday 13 February 2014

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day

These People are carrying the banner because they don't think the treaty has been honoured.
The treaty was signed on the 6th of Feb 1840.
40 maori chiefs  sighed it but later over 500 more singed.
Most of the chiefs didn't know how to write.
they used symbols.